Assessment result of surgery of right ventricular outflow tract obstruction in Choray Hospital

  • Van Le Thanh Khanh Cho Ray Hospital
  • Vien Mai Van 108 Millitary Central Hospital
  • Anh Pham Tho Tuan 108 Millitary Central Hospital

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Right ventricular outflow tract obstruction, pulmonary artery, cardio-pulmonary bypass


Objective: Assessment the result of surgery of the patients with right ventricular outflow tract obstruction (RVOTO) in Choray Hospital. Subject and method: The prospective research the patients was diagnosed and operated RVOTO in Choray Hospital from May 2013 to May 2017. Result: There are 75 patients with: Female: 62.7%, male: 37.3%, mean age: 6, cyanosis: 85.3%, clubing finger: 28%, hemoglobin: 155g/l, hematocrite: 48.4%, mean gradient RV-PA (before operation): 89.8mmHg, the ratio of position lesion: One position lesion: 22.7%, two position lesions: 45.3%, three position lesions: 32%, RVOTO in TOF: 78.7%, RVOTO with ASD and VSD: 9.3% and 6.7% and simple RVOTO: 5.3%, mean cardio-pulmonary bypass (CPB) time: 129.9 minutes, mean clamp time: 96.6 minutes, mean ICU stay: 48 hour, mean gradient RV-PA (in operating room): 15.9 mmHg, the RV/LV ratio: 0.6, death: 2 patiens (2.6%). Conclusion: RVOTO occur at multiposition, usually. Surgery is good choice, improve the clinical and sub-clinical, complication and motality are low.


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