Survey on serum uric acid concentration and gout rates in male patients at Division 9 Clinic

  • Cam Truong Dinh 175 Military Hospital
  • Chuong Gian Tu Division 9 Clinic

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Serum uric acid, gout disease


Objective: To investigate the concentration of serum uric acid and the prevalence of hyperuricemia and gout disease in male patients who took medical examination at the Infirmary of Division 9. Subject and method: Prospective, cross-sectional study conducted in 343 male patients. Diagnosis of gout was based on Bennet and Wood criteria (1968). Result: The average concentration of serum uric acid was 349.02 ± 87.442mmol/l. This figure tended to increase with age, but did not reach statistical significance. The prevalence of hyperuricemia was 19.2%. The prevalence of gout in this research was 7.9%. There was no statistically significant difference in rate of gout disease with age. Conclusion: In this research, the average serum uric acid was 349.02 ± 87.442mmol/l, the prevalence of hyperuricemia was 19.2%, the rate of gout disease was 7.9%.


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