To survey the use of pesticide residues in vegetables and root at the canteens of 108 Military Central Hospital from 2015 to 2016

  • Phạm Thị Hằng Bệnh viện Trung ương Quân đội 108
  • Lê Minh Kha Bệnh viện Trung ương Quân đội 108

Main Article Content


KIT VPR 10 - Pesticide rapid test


Objective: To survey the use of pesticide residues in vegetables and root at the canteens of 108 Military Central Hospital from 2015 to 2016 with the quick detection method. The objective was to inspect and supervise the quality of input of vegetable suppliers to ensure food hygiene and safety before importing for the kitchen in the hospital for processing. Subject and method: 2,136 samples of vegetables, roots and fruits detected by the Ministry of Public Security's Rapid Test (KIT VPR 10). Result and conclusion: 2,136 samples of vegetables, roots and fruits detected by the Ministry of Public Security's Rapid Test (KIT VPR 10) at the threshold of detection 0.5ppm with 2,006 negative samples and 130 positive samples. The highest percentage of fruit was found in peas, which was 14.28%, followed by sweet cabbage (13.7%), cabbage (11.54%), cabbage (10%), morning rye (9.28%), cabbage 7.14%, 6.79% carrots, 6.25% tomatoes, 6.15% pumpkin, 5.33% potatoes, 4.11% bean sprouts. There were 4 types of vegetables negatively affected by plant protection: Pumpkin, chayote, kohlrabi, radish.

Article Details


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