Study of endoscopic imaging, histopathology of patients with rectal cancer

  • Anh Vu Hong E Hospital - Hanoi
  • Vinh Nguyen Thuy Hanoi E Hospital

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Colonoscopy, histopathology, pathology of colorectal cancer


Objective: Review of the study of endoscopic imaging, histopathology of patients with rectal cancer. Subject and method: Prospective study, cross-sectional description. 56 patients were diagnosed with rectal cancer using postoperative histopathology. Result: Results for endoscopy: Polypoid (76.8%), Ulcerative carcinoma (10.7%). The tumor size was < 4cm, accounting for 48.2%, size 4 - < 8cm, accounting for 46.4%. 100% of tumors narrowing of the rectal, of which 73.2% of tumors narrowing of 1/2 rectal. 50.0% of tumors in stage T3 and T4, 50% in stage T1 and T2, 26.8% had nodal metastases. Conclusion: Colonoscopy is the best, simple way to determine the location, size, surface properties, coordination lesions. Colonoscopy combined with biopsy specimen histopathology has become the gold standard for the detection of polyp and colorectal cancer diagnosis.


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