Research the relationship between bone mineral density and the rate of osteoporosis with some characteristics in overweight people

  • Viet Dao Quoc Ban Bảo vệ Chăm sóc Sức khỏe tỉnh Hòa Bình
  • Binh Nguyen Tien Học viện Quân y
  • Nga Nguyen Thi Phi Học viện Quân y

Main Article Content


BMI, BMD, osteoporosis, overweight


Objective: The study between the bone mineral density and the rate of osteoporosis with some characteristics in overweight people. Subject and method: The cross-sectional study was conducted on 341 people with BMI ≥ 23. Result: The average value of BMD in the femoral and lumbar spine was higher in the male; in women without menopausal; in people with exercise habits (p<0.05). Of human overweight: There was a moderate positive correlation between BMD in the femoral and lumbar spine with weight; between BMD in the femoral with BMI. The rate of osteoporosis was the femoral and lumbar spine was higher in women, in women menopausal; in people without exercise habits. Conclusion: Factors affecting BMD in overweight and obese people are gender, menopause, weight and exercise habits.

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