Evaluating the knowledge about thalassemia among single young adults in Yen Bai Province

  • Long Nguyen Hoang Dự án Đại học VinUni, tập đoàn Vingroup, Hà Nội
  • Hang Phan Le Trường Cao đẳng Y tế Yên Bái

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Thalassemia, disease prevention, Yen Bai Province


Objective: This study aims to evaluate knowledge about thalassemia of single young adults in Yen Bai Province. Subject and method: By multi-stage sampling methods, 385 subjects aged from 18 to 30 years were recruited. Participants responded to the 21-item questionnaire about the disease and its prevention and treatment. Result: It was found that 90.1% of respondents achieved unsatisfactory score in the knowledge test (less than 15 out of 21 score). They demonstrated low understandings about the diseases in all surveyed knowledge domains (inheritance, preventions, and treatment). No differences in terms of knowledge across gender, occupation, ethnics, house locations, and family history with thalassemia. Nevertheless, subjects who have completed at least high school showed significant better understandings about the disease than others. Conclusion: This study highlights the need to improve knowledge about thalassemia among single young adults in Yen Bai Province.

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