Clinical, paraclinical and echocardiographic features in patients with partial atrioventricular septal defect

  • An Tran Thi Hanoi Heart Hospital
  • Son Pham Nguyen 108 Millitary Central Hospital

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Atrioventricular septal defect, partial atrioventricular septal defect, echocardiography


Objective: To evaluate the clinical, paraclinical and echocardiographic features in patients with partial atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD). Subject and method: A descriptive study, from January 2011 to December 2014, recruited 67 patients with partial transplantation having indication of surgery at Hanoi Heart Hospital. Result: The median age was 16 years (male/ female ratio: 1/1.16), of which 49.3% were over 16 years of age. There were 18 patients (26.9%) without obvious presentation and accidentally discovered the disease. The most common functional sign was dyspnea with NYHA II (56.7%). Physical signs included systolic murmur at apex of 88.1% and systolic murmur at left sternal border of 53.7%. 94% of patients had chest X-rays with a cardiothoracic index of ≥ 50%, and the signs of pulmonary hypertension of 49.3%. On electrocardiography, the main rhythms were sinus (91%), atrial fibrillation (7.5%) and complete atrioventricular block (1.5%). The left axis accounted for 62.7%, incomplete right bundle branch block of 67.2% and first degree atrioventricular block of 32.8%. On echocardiography, the primary lesions of partial AVSD were suitably described as in literature such as a large primary atrial septal defect (100%), mitral cleft (97%), left ventricular inlet/outlet ratio 1.2. However, the role of echocardiography in detailed diagnosis of mitral and tricuspid valve lesions was not high. Conclusion: The patients in our study had an average age was relatively high and nearly 27% were found accidentally. The majority of patients had typical clinical symptoms and paraclinical features in electrocardiography and echocardiography.


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