Treatment of liver trauma in Northern mountain hospitals

  • Pham Tien Bien Dien Bien Hospital
  • Nguyen Hoang Dieu Hoa Binh Hospital
  • Trinh Hong Son Viet Duc Hospital

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Liver trauma, treatment



Objective: Evaluating the treatment of liver trauma in Northern mountain hospitals. Subject and method: Descriptive study, all cases of patients who diagnosed with liver trauma in some Northern mountain hospitals from January 2010 to December 2013 were reviewed. Result: There were 124 patients: Most of patients were man (78%). The main cause of liver trauma was traffic accident (61.2%). Nonoperative treatment was succeeded in 37.1%, nonoperative treatment was failed in 12.9%, Emergency operative treatment was performed in 50%. The main technique used in surgery was liver suture (93.6%). The rate of postoperative complications accounted for 33.3%. Conclusion: Treatment of liver injury in the Northern mountainous provinces has had many positive changes with high rate of successful nooperative treatment.

Keywords: Liver trauma, treatment.

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