The initial results of microsurgery of ruptured aneurysms of intracranial part of internal carotid artery via keyhole approaches

  • Nguyen Huu Hung 17 Military Hospital
  • Nguyen The Hao Bach Mai Hospital
  • Nguyen Tho Lo Vietnam Military Medical University
  • Vu Van Hoe Vietnam Military Medical University
  • Nguyen Van Hung Vietnam Military Medical University

Main Article Content


Cerebral aneurysms, minimally invasive surgery, keyhole operations



Objective: To evaluate the results of microsurgery of ruptured aneurysms of intracranial part of internal carotid artery via keyhole approaches. Subject and method: This prospective study included 72 patients who were brought to Bach Mai Hospital for ruptured aneurysms of intracranial part of internal carotid artery, between September 2015 and September 2018. Result: the female/male ratio was 35/37, and the mean age was 55.98 ± 8.96 years. According to WFNS grading system, 90.28% patients were in clinical grade 1 and 2, 9.72% in grade 3; 8.33% hemorrhage in grade 1, 19.44% in grade 2, and 72.22% in grade 3 (Fisher scale). 48.61% aneurysms located on the anterior communicating artery and 16.67% on the middle cerebral artery, 29.17% on the posterior communicating artery, 4.17% on the anterior choroidal artery and 1.39% on the carotid terminus (bifurcation). During operation, the rate of intraoperative rupture was 8.33%. Post-operative complications were paralysis (4.17%) and cerebrospinal fluid leakage (2.78%). On the postoperative angiography, 2.78% patients with remnant aneurysms, and 1.39% with arterial occlusions. The good clinical outcome was 93.06%. Conclusion: These keyhole approaches seems to be safe and bring good results in patients with ruptured aneurysms of cerebral part of the internal carotid artery.

Keywords: Cerebral aneurysms, minimally invasive surgery, keyhole operations.


Article Details


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