Comment of the rate and some clinical features of Parkinson's disease patients treated in 103 Military Hospital

  • Nguyễn Đức Thuận Bệnh viện Quân y 103
  • Đặng Thành Chung Học viện Quân y

Main Article Content


Parkinson's disease, patients, rate, treatment


Objective: To determine the rate of Parkinson's disease and analyze some clinical characteristics of patients with Parkinson's disease, inpatient treated at 103 Military Hospital during 2018 - 2019. Subject and method: 178 patients diagnosed with Parkinson's disease according to the criteria of Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society 2015, treated at the Department of Neurology, 103 Military Hospital, from 1.1.2018 to 31.12.2019. The study was designed as descriptive research and cross-sectional one. The patient's information was collected according to a consistent medical record and according to valuable diagnostic tests, widely used in studies. Result: 178/6381 (2.8%) of Parkinson's patients were treated at the Neurology Department. Symptoms of dyskinesia and tremor were mainly with 98.3% and 95.5%; non-motor symptoms include sleep disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, autonomic nervous disorders, cognitive impairment, and depression accounted for 75.3%, 62.9%, 57.3%, 51.7% and 47.2% respectively. L-Dopa and dopamine agonists were used in 95.5% and 57.3% of patients. 100% of Parkinson's disease patients with depressive disorders were treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Quetiapine and olanzapine were applied to 56.1% and 43.8% of patients. Conclusion: The rate of Parkinson's disease patients in the Department of Neurology-103 Military Hospital was 2.8%. Motor symptoms were seen in most patients, the non-motor symptoms were mainly sleep disorders, depression, cognitive impairment, constipation, and autonomic nervous disorders. The disease occurred in all stages, but the early and moderate stage accounted for the majority (88.1%). Dopamine agonists, dopamine supplements (L-dopa), serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors, quetiapine and olanzapine were used regularly to treat Parkinson's disease patients.

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