Investigate predictive factors of death in septic shock patients with multi-organ failure due to Gram-negative bacteria in 108 Military Central Hospital from 2016 to 2018

  • Hoàng Thị Hạnh Trường Đại học Y Dược Thái Bình
  • Nguyễn Đăng Mạnh Bệnh viện Trung ương Quân đội 108
  • Nguyễn Hương Lan Bệnh viện Trung ương Quân đội 108
  • Nguyễn Trí Thức Bệnh viện Trung ương Quân đội 108
  • Bùi Trí Cường Bệnh viện Trung ương Quân đội 108

Main Article Content


Predictive factors of death, septic shock, multi-organ failure


Objective: To investigate predictive factors of death in septic shock patients with multi-organ failure due to Gram-negative bacteria.            Subject and method: 44 septic shock patients with multi-organ failure due to Gram-negative bacteria. These patients fulfilled septic shock criteria according to Survival Sepsis Campaign (SSC) 2016 and their blood culture results were positive with Gram-negative bacteria. Diagnosis of multiple organ failure was based on the modified Klaus criteria 2005. Patients were divided into two groups: Survival and death. Compare two patient groups to find out some prognostic factors.      Result and conclusion: Fatality rate in septic shock patients with multi-organ failure caused by Gram-negative bacteria was 65.9%. The most common organ failures were respiratory (82.8%), liver (69%) and kidney (69%). The higher the number of organ failure was the higher the mortality rate. There are three (3) independent death predictors in septic shock patients with multi-organ failure caused by Gram-negative bacteria namely APACHE II > 22, SOFA > 9 and PCT ≥ 100ng/ml.

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