Study of the value of ultrasonography, magnetic resonance 3.0T and edoscopic ultrasonography in the diagnosis of bilary obstruction

  • Dương Minh Thắng Bệnh viện Trung ương Quân đội 108
  • Vũ Thị Phượng Bệnh viện Trung ương Quân đội 108

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Biliary obstruction, endoscopic ultrasound, ultrasonography, magnetic resonance


Gallstone is a common disease, there are many methods for diagnosis of bile duct stones: Ultrasonography, magnetic resonance 3.0T and edoscopic ultrasonography, research to understand value of methods. Objective: Study of the value of ultrasonography, magnetic resonance 3.0T and edoscopic ultrasonography in the diagnosis of bilary obstruction. Subject and method: 62 patients with bile duct stones were treated at the Gastroenterology Department of the 108 Military Central Hospital from January 2017 to April 2018. Study of the value of ultrasonography, magnetic resonance 3.0T and edoscopic ultrasonography in the diagnosis of bilary obstruction comparrision with the gold standard ERCP. Result: Male 56.4%, female 43.6%, M/F = 1.3, the clinical mainly a Charcot, right lower rib pain 72.6%, fever 48.3%, jaundice 45.1%. EUS correct bile duct stone were 88.9%; Ultrasonography 72.2%, magnetic resonance 3.0T 83.3%. EUS and MRI 3.0 have moderate similarity in the diagnosis of bile duct stones with K = 0.690. Ultrasonography and EUS have a weak similarity in the diagnosis of bile duct stones with K = 0.350. In the diagnosis of bile duct stones the EUS had a sensitivity of 88.9%, specificity is 87.5%, correct diagnosis value is 88.7%; MRI 3.0 had a sensitivity of 83.3%, specificity is 87.5%, correct diagnosis value is 83.9%; Ultrasonography had a sensitivity of 72.2%, specificity is 62.5%, correct diagnosis value is 69.3%. Conclusion: Comparision with the gold standard ERCP, EUS is highest valuable next is MRI 3.0 and finaly is ultrasonography in the diagnosis of biliary obstruction.

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