Study some clinical features and relevance about visual memory disorders in adults with grand mal epilepsy

  • Huong Nguyen Van Hanoi Medical University
  • Mai Nguyen Ngoc Hanoi Medical University

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Epilepsy, visual memory


Objective: This study was conducted to describe some clinical features and some related factors of visual memory disorders in adult grand mal seizure epileptic. Subject and method: The study was conducted in 35 adult grand mal seizure epilepsy. All subjects were assessed for clinical memory and visual memory tests. Result: In the study patients, patients with general memory disorder accounted for 92%, of which memory recall immediately accounted for 88.46%, memory retarded memory image delays accounted for 95%, image recognition delayed 97.06%. The group of patients treated with Gardenal (phenobacbital) showed a significantly decreased visual memory deficit compared with patients treated with other statistically significant p<0.01 (p=0.001). Conclusion: Patients with visual memory disorders accounted for 92%. In delayed visual impairment accounted for 92%. Image memory disorders were at high risk for epilepsy in patients onset younger than 18 years of age, duration of disease for more than 10 years, and use of the phenobacbital (gardenal) antiepileptic.


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