UBM features of eyes during acute angle closure glaucoma

  • Nguyễn Xuân Hiệp
  • Đỗ Tấn
  • Nguyễn Đình Ngân
  • Lê Thị Thanh Trà

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Acute angle closure glaucoma, UBM, pupillary block, plateau iris



Objective: To describe UBM features of eyes during acute angle closure glaucoma. Subject and method: This cross-sectional observational study that was conducted in Glaucoma Department and Ocular Imaging Department of Vietnam National Eye Hospital from May 2018 to March 2019. Recruited subjects were eyes with primary angle acute attack. UBM has been done during the attack associated while comparing affected eyes and contralateral unaffected eyes. Angle closure pattern was classified according to Svend Vedel Kessing and John Thygesen criteria (2007). Result: Study was based on results of 68 eyes/68 patients. Of those 68 patients, there were 57 females (83.8%) and 11 males (16.2%) (female/male = 5.18/1). The mean age of studied subjects was 62.05 years. Among 68 studied eyes, there were 29 eyes with pupillary block pattern (PB) (43%) and 39 eyes with plateau iris pattern (PI) (57%).  There was no significant difference in term of axial length, AC UBM features between 2 sub-groups. The specific UBM features for PI were steep iris root, anteriorly rotated ciliary body (TCPB, ICPD) and sulcus absence. There was also no significant difference in angle UBM parameters between 55 affected eyes and 55 contralateral unaffected eyes. Conclusion: High rate of PI in angle closure acute attack patients can change the treatment strategy especially the prevention. Very narrow angle in suspect eyes required intermediate prophylactic laser.

Keywords: Acute angle closure glaucoma, UBM, pupillary block, plateau iris.

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