Results of surgical treatment of complex anal fistula in Viet Duc Hospital

  • Nguyễn Xuân Hùng Bệnh viện Hữu nghị Việt Đức
  • Nguyễn Thị Phương Bệnh viện Hữu nghị Việt Đức

Main Article Content


Anal fistula, complex anal fistula


Objective: To evaluate the results of surgical treatment of complex anal fistula in Viet Duc hospital. Subject and method: Descriptive, prospective study on 50 patients diagnosed and classified complex anal fistula surgically treated in Viet Duc hospital from August 2015 to August 2016. Result: 45 males of 50 patients (90%); mean age were 40. Patients had precedent surgical treatment 1 time 18/50 (36%), 2 times (6/50 (12%), 3 times 2/50 (4%). Classification of anal fistula: high 30/50 (60%); horse - shoe 10 (20%); horse shoe + high 10 (20%), tuberculosis fistula 1 (2%). Surgical techniques: open 16/50 (32%); two times 12 (24%); drain and irrigation 19 (36%) and close intern hole 3 (6%). Mean surgical time was 33 minutes. Postoperative complications: bleeding 8/50 (16% - 3 patients had to suture). Anal incontinence after surgery were 3 patients (6%) at the first degree and is 2 patients (4%) at the second degree. Anal incontinence after surgery 12 weeks were 2 patients at the first degree (4%). 10 patients (20%) had the second operation by disease recurrence or remain liquid after putting a drain of irrigation. Mean time of cicatrization was 12 weeks. Conclusion: Complex anal fistula is a type that is difficult to treat. Additionally, recur ratio is high.

Article Details


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