Study on the effectiveness of GTK 108 formula in treatment for chronic skin ulcer on experimental animals

  • Nguyễn Thu Trang
  • Đỗ Thuý Hằng
  • Lương Thị Kỳ Thuỷ
  • Phạm Xuân Thắng
  • Trần Quang Minh

Main Article Content


Chronic ulcer, experimental animal, GTK 108



Objective: To determine the prevelance of the GTK 108 formula as topical ulcer dressings on experimental animals. Subject and method: A experimental research on animals. Result: It showed that the chronic skin ulcers which were treated with GTK108 formula were healed faster than the controlled groups. The fully healed rate in study group was 100%. Conclusion: GTK108 formular was considered to be more effective than other topical applications in the treatment of chronic ulcers on experimental animals.

Keywords: Chronic ulcer, experimental animal, GTK 108.

Article Details


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