The roles of ultrasound, fine-needle aspiration and frozen section biopsy in the diagnosis of breast cancer

  • Binh Tran Thanh 103 Military Hospital
  • Anh Le Viet 103 Military Hospital
  • Nam Nguyen Van 103 Military Hospital
  • Kien Nguyen The 103 Military Hospital
  • Van Ly Thi Hong Military Central Hospital 108

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Breast cancer, ultrasound, fine-needle aspiration, frozen section biopsy


Objective: To evaluate the roles of ultrasound, fine-needle aspiration (FNA) and frozen section biopsy in the diagnosis of breast cancer. Subject and method: This was a non-controlled, cross-sectional descriptive study. Result: 209 patients, mean age of group breast cancer was 51.9 ± 14 years. The tumor was palpable in 88.6% of patients. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value of FNA and frozen section were 92.01%, 97.5%, 96.4%, 94.4% and 96.6%, 99.2%, 98.8%, 97.6%, respectively. Postoperative histopathological results: 87.5% were ductal invasive carcinoma. Conclusion: Ultrasound may serve as guidance in the FNA procedure. Frozen section biopsy may assist to determine appropriate surgical methods.


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