Investigate the clinical characteristics of orbital lesions in thyroid disease

  • Lê Đức Hạnh Bệnh viện Trung ương Quân đội 108
  • Lâm Khánh Bệnh viện Trung ương Quân đội 108

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Thyroid-associated orbitopathy (TAO), protruding eyes, eyelid shrinkage


Objective: To investigate the clinical characteristics of orbital lesions in patients with Basedow and thyroid diseases. Subject and method: 426 patients were examined and diagnosed suffering from Basedow disease, having careful eyes examination and treated at the National Hospital of Endocrinology. The methodology was of cross-sectional description. Result and conclusion: Eyelid shrinkage is the most common eye symptom in patients with Basedow (32.8%). Protruding eyes were seen in 30.3% of patients. Double vision (13.9%) and optic nerve damage (2.6%) were seen only in patients with eyelid shrinkage and/or protruding eyes. According to the scheme of diagnosing thyroid-associated orbitopathy (TAO), only patients with one of the following manifestations, such as protruding eyes, eyelid shrinkage, eyeballmotion restriction and optic nerve damage, excluding other causes of non-Basedow or -thyroid disease can be diagnoised TAO.

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