Study of the severe allergic reaction to antibiotics in children in 2014 - 2016 periods at the Department of Allergy and Immunology - National Children's Hospital

  • Nguyễn Thị Diệu Thúy Trường Đại học Y Hà Nội
  • Lương Thị Thuyết Trường Đại học Y Dược Thái Bình

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Severe allergic reactions, anaphylactic shock, antibiotics


Objective: Antibiotics are increasingly used in the treatment of children’s diseases. However, antibiotics can cause undesirable effects, sometimes life-threatening due to severe allergic reactions, or anaphylactic shock. Subject and method: There was a case series study conducted in children who were confirmed anaphylactic shock to antibiotics at the Department of Immunology and Allergy, National Children’s Hospital during 2014 - 2016 periods. Result: Twenty children were eligible were invited to participate in the study. Severe allergic reactions are often seen in children under 5 years old (90%). The β lactam group was the most common cause of severe allergy, in which ceftriazone accounted for 45%. Signs and symptoms of severe allergies usually occurred in the first 30 minutes after administration (40%) with the mainly intravenous injection. Symptoms of anaphylactic shock were varied, but the most common manifestations were nervous and respiratory symptoms. Conclusion: Antibiotics should be carefully used and  the undesirable effects should be early detected.

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