Research medical history features in asthma children under five years old treated in Vietnam National Children’s Hospital

  • Nguyen Thi Thai Ha Vietnam National Children’s Hospital
  • Pham Thu Hien Vietnam National Children’s Hospital

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Athma, children, medical history


To describe medical history feature of children under 5 years of age having asthma, treated at the National Children’s Hospital from September 2016 to August 2017. Subject and method: A descriptive study series of 156 children diagnosed with bronchial asthma according to the GINA 2016 standard. Result: 26.3% of babies born by caesarean section, 7.7% of premature babies and 67.3% of babies having mixed feeding from their birth. The most common asthma triggers were climate change (89.1%), virus and upper-respiratory infections (33.3%). Family history of allergy: The rate of children suffering allergic rhinitis was 22.4%, dermatitis, urticaria was 17.3%. Children born to the family having at least one allergic person were 50% more likely to have asthma. The rate of children under 2 years of age presenting the first onset of cough and wheezing accounts for 48.1% and the rate of children from 2 - 5 years of age was 51.9%. There were very few cases of asthma successfully diagnosed in children under 2 (5.1%). The major number of cases were found in children from 2 - 5 years old, accounting for 94.9%. Conclusion: Investigating the pre-history conditions contributes significantly in determining asthma in children under 5 years old.


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