Current status of equipment, knowledge and practice of using information technology among medical staff in organizing emergency care for patients with acute ischemic stroke in 6 hospitals in the Northern region in 2022

  • Le Vuong Quy 108 Military Central Hospital

Main Article Content


Information technology, equipment, knowledge, practice, medical staff, emergency care, patients, acute ischemic stroke


Objective: To describe the current status of information technology equipments, knowledge, and practice of using information technology of medical staff in organizing emergency care for patients with acute ischemic stroke of 6 regional hospitals in the Northern Region, 2022. Subject and method: A cross-sectional study design was conducted on 159 medical staff using information technology in the emergency organization of acute ischemic stroke patients. Data were collected based on of online structured questionnaire and obsservation checklist. Result: The equipments were quite good, ensuring the application of information technology to rescue patients with acute cerebral infarction. Rate of server failure needs to be replaced accounted for 10.35%; workstations that needs to be replaced accounted for 3.41%; The percentage of printers that needs to be replaced was 8.34%. Medical staff's knowledge about using information technology in emergency care for patients with acute ischemic stroke was still limited, especially nurses. The average knowledge score was 2.6 ± 0.5 points. The practice of medical staff using information technology in emergency care for patients with acute ischemic stroke was still limited, especially nurses. The average practice score was 2.7 ± 0.5. It was necessary to organize training and supervision classes to improve the knowledge and skills of medical staff on using information technology in emergency care for patients with acute ischemic stroke in 6 Northern regional hospitals.

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