Effective evaluation of using intravenous bevacizumab in treatment of diabetic macular edema at 103 Military Hospital

  • Nguyễn Đình Ngân

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Diabetic macular edema, diabetes, bevacizumab


Objective: To assess the outcome and safety of intravitreous bevacizumab in treatment of diabetic macular edema patients at 103 Millitary Hospital. Subject and method: The clinical trial without a control group was carried out in 54 eyes (35 patients) with diabetic macular edema in Department of Ophthalmology at 103 Military Hospital. Intravitreous bevacizumab therapy was treated with PRN stratery. Result: The best corrected visual acuity gained significantly after 3 months, and gained 10.45 ± 2.21 letters after 12 months. Central macular thickness (CMT) with 1mm diameter reduced significantly after 3 months, and reduced 260.32 ± 54.05µm after 12 months. CMT with 6mm diameter also reduced significantly after 3 months, and reduces 87.32 ± 34.15µm after 12 months. The reductions of CMT 1mm were correlated with the improvement of BCVA (p=0.02, r = 0.41, Pearson’s test). The intra-injection complications were conjunctival hermorrhage (4.6%), corneal epithelium damage (2.4%). The post-injection complication was only uveitis (0.3%). There were no systemic complications such as hypertension, stroke. Conclusion: Intravitreous bevacizumab is an effective and safe therapy in treatment of diabetic macular edema.

Keywords: Diabetic macular edema, diabetes, bevacizumab.  

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