Studying the relationship between HbA1c index and body mass index to peripheral neurological complications in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes

  • Nguyễn Văn Hướng
  • Cao Thị Vân

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Peripheral neurological complications, HbA1c index, BMI


Objective: To assess the relationship between HbA1c index and body mass index (BMI) to peripheral neurological complications in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes. Subject and method: Tissue study cross-sectional descriptions to assess the relationship between HbA1c index and body mass index (BMI) to peripheral neurological complications in 179 type 2 diabetic patients at Hanoi Medical University Hospital. Result: Small fiber nerve damage of the not good HbA1c control group was 1.9 times higher than that of the control group with good HbA1c  with p<0.05. Severe injury peripheral neurological complications in the not good HbA1c control group index were 8.4 times higher than the control group with good HbA1c with p<0.05. Severe injury in the overweight group was 3.2 times higher than the non-overweight group with statistical significance with p<0.05. Conclusion: Not good HbA1c control likely to cause small fiber injury and peripheral neuropathic tendency more severe than the good HbA1c control group. Severe injury peripheral neurological complications at overweight people is higher than the normal BMI group.

Keywords: Peripheral neurological complications, HbA1c index, BMI.

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