Evaluation of communication skills of nurses at the Clinic for Senior Officers, 108 Military Central Hospital

  • Trần Thị Thanh Thảo Bệnh viện Trung ương Quân đội 108
  • Dao Thi Thu Giang 108 Military Central Hospital

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Communication, nurse, Senior Officer, 108 Military Central Hospital


Objective: To evaluate communication skills of nurses at the Clinic for Senior Officers at 108 Military Central Hospital based on results of a patient satisfaction survey for those who used the provided healthcare services at our outpatient clinic. Subject and method: In this cross-sectional study, 391 outpatients participated in the assessment of patients’ satisfactory level as regards to communication ability of nurses at the Clinic for Senior Officers at 108 Military Central Hospital from May 15th 2020 to July 14th 2020. Result: Results of the survey are summarized below: 98.7% of patients were satisfied with the nurses’ attitude and conduct. 98.46% of patients were satisfied with the nurses’ explanations regarding administrative paper works and medical conditions. 99.23% of patients had good impression on the nurses’ professional attitude and behavior at the Clinic. 97.9% of patients agreed that the nurses did not cause any inconvenience during registration process. 98.25% of patients would come again or refer others to the Clinic and the Hospital. These results suggest that besides experiences, enthusiasm and attentiveness in care of the nurses at the Clinic for Senior Officers, having knowledge about professional communication skills is also an essential factor in improving patients’ experience. Therefore, a variety of training courses in communication and problem-solving skills for all medical staff are organized annually by the hospital in partnership with other professional organizations in the communication field.

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