The role of single balloon enteroscopy in diagnosis and treatment of small bowel bleeding

  • Nguyen Xuan Quynh 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Nguyen Canh Binh 108 Military Central Hospital

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Objective: To assess clinical characteristics, causes, endoscopy images and therapeutic efficacy by single balloon enteroscopy. Subject and method: 30 patients with small bowel bleeding by single balloon assisted endoscopy at 108 Military Central Hospital from June 2015 to June 2020 were included. Result: Among 30 patients, the mean age was 48.9 years old, and the ratio of male and female was 19/11. These were 23 (76.7%) patients with obscure overt and 07 (23.3%) patients with obscure occult bleeding, associated with severe anemia in 09 (30%) patients, moderate anemia in 09 (30%) patients and mild anemia in 12 (40%) patients. The reasons of small bowel bleeding included vessel malformation in 07 (23.3%) patients, tumors in 9 (30%) patients, NSAIDs enteropathy in 06 (20%) patients, Crohn disease in 02 (6.7%) patients, tuberculous enteritis in 01 (3.3%) patients, Meckel diverticulum in 01 (3.3%) patients, ulcer no known cause 04 (13.3%) patients. Endoscopic treatment was performed in 06 (20%) patients using clips hemorrhage while surgical treatment was applied to 05 (16.6%) patients. Conclusion: Single ball enteroscopy is highly effective in the diagnosis and treatment of small bowel bleeding.

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