Assessment of the prognosis for cerebral hemorrhage patients with high blood pressure based on the ICH score in Thai Binh Province

  • Dương Huy Hoàng Trường Đại học Y Dược Thái Bình
  • Lê Đinh Tuân Trường Đại học Y Dược Thái Bình
  • Nguyễn Tiến Sơn Trường Đại học Y Dược Thái Bình
  • Đỗ Như Bình Học viện Quân y
  • Khương Tùng Ân Phòng Y tế, UBND huyện Tứ Kỳ, tỉnh Hải Dương

Main Article Content


The ICH score, cerebral hemorrhage, computed tomography


Objective: To evaluate the prognosis of severity based on the ICH (Intracerebral hemorrhage) score in patients with hypertensive cerebral bleeding. Subject and method: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 81 patients with cerebral bleeding at Thai Binh General Hospital. Result: At the age of 80 or over, the risk of death increases by 7.38 times compared to that of the age < 80; the risk of death among patients with Glasgow < 13 points increases 11.3 times compared with the Glasgow ≥ 13 points group of patients. Vomiting and convulsions were not associated with the prognosis of patients. Hematoma volume ≥ 30cm3 increases the risk of death by 10.3 times compared to that of volume < 30cm3. Cerebral hemorrhage induced intraventricular hemorrhage increases the risk of death by 10 times compared with patients without intraventricular hemorrhage. Respecting severe prognosis/death of patients with cerebral hemorrhage based on the ICH score, the mortality rate increases with increasing scores (1-point-ICH was 11.1%, 2-point-ICH was 23.6%, 3-point-ICH was 77.7%, 4-point-ICH was 100%). Conclusion: Age ≥ 80 years, male gender, sudden onset with consciousness disorder, under-13-point-Glasgow at the time of admission, and sphincter disorder make a significant contribution to the prognosis of severity in patients with cerebral hemorrhage. Mortality increases gradually as ICH scores increase.

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