Clinical characteristics, X-rays and result of using mandibulo-maxillary fixation screws as conservative treatment for mandibular condyle fractures

  • Le Thi Thu Hai 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Nguyen Đinh Thanh Vinh Phuc Hospital
  • Nguyen Thi Hong Minh Central Odonto Stomatology Hospital

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Mandibular condyle fractures, screws, conservative treatment


Objective: To study clinical characteristics, X-ray characteristics and results of using mandibulo-maxillary fixation screws as conservative treatment for mandibular condyle fractures. Subject and method: A descriptive study of 32 mandibular condyle fractures in 32 patients who were treated from June 2019 to October 2020 at Vinh Phuc Province Hospital. Result: Male/female ratio was 4.3/1, mean age was 31 ± 14.5 years; the range 18 - 40 was 71.88%. Most of patients was due to motorbike accidents, accounting for 84.38%. Chin (78.13%) was the most location impacted force. The most common fracture position was head mandibular condyle (48.78%), the second was neck mandibular condyle (41.46%). The severe fracture deviation was 14.63%; mild fracture deviation was 68.29%, and no deviation was 17.07%. 90.6% patients were used 4 screws. Treatment results after 1 month: 93.75% had correct malocclusion; 78.13% patients were difficult to open mouth; 87.5% patients were able to eat soft food; non-jaw deviation rate when maximally opening mouth was 46.88%; the middle line deviation was 53.12%. Treatment results after 3 months: 87.5% patients were easier when open the mouth; 71.88% patients were able to eat dry food; 84.38% patients had no-jaw deviation when maximally opening. Conclusion: Mandibular condyle fracture due to trauma is more common in men with the indirectly force through the chin. The rate of head and neck mandibular condyle fracture was equivalent. Most of patient had mild deviation. Conservative treatment with mandibulo-maxillary fixation screws is a safe, effective, and simple technique in Odonto-Stomatology Department.

Keywords: Mandibular condyle fractures, screws, conservative treatment.

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