Efficacy assessment of shoulder rehabilitation with Contrex MJ robot in patients with periarthritis humeroscapularis

  • Bui Thi Hong Thuy 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Nguyen Trong Luu 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Pham Thi Le Hang 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Nguyen Manh Hung 108 Military Central Hospital

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Periarthritis humeroscapularis, non-specific shoulder pain, frozen shoulder, rehabilitation


Objective: To assess the efficacy of shoulder rehabilitation program incorporating exercise with Contrex MJ robot in patients with periarthritis humeroscapularis. Subject and method: We evaluated a total of 62 patients (n = 62) suffered from the non-specific shoulder pain and frozen shoulder, who were admitted to our medical institution between June of 2016 and May of 2017. In these patients, the efficacy outcome measures were improved in Visual Analogue Scale, Range of motion. Result and conclusion: There were improvements of periarthritis humeroscapularis from five to fifteen day treatment period (p=0.04), there were not any cases with complications in our subjects.

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