Some features of left ventricular morphology and function in kidney transplanted patients

  • Kien Truong Quy Bệnh viện Quân y 103
  • Loan Vu Thi Bệnh viện Trung ương Quân đội 108
  • Toan Pham Quoc Bệnh viện Quân y 103
  • Thang Le Viet Bệnh viện Quân y 103

Main Article Content


Echocardiographic, kidney transplant recipient, left ventricular


Objective: To survey of some index of left ventricular morphology and function in kidney transplanted patients after 6 months. Subject and method: The prospective study has done in 60 kidney transplanted patients in 103 Military Hospital from January 2017 to July 2018. The echocardiographic evaluations were done before renal transplantation and 6 months post transplantation with Doppler and tissue Doppler methods. Left ventricular diastolic diameter (LVDD), left ventricular systolic diameter (LVESD), left ventricular mass (LVM), left ventricular mass index (LVMI), peak early diastolic mitral inflow velocity (E), Peak late diastolic myocardial velocity (A), early diastolic myocardial velocity (Ea), E wave deceleration time (Edt), isovolemic relaxation time (IVRT) and (LV ejection (LVEF) were collected. Result: After 6 months kidney transplantation, LVEDd, LVSED and LVMI index were significantly changed better than those of before kidney transplantation, (LVEDd from 48.8 ± 6.09 to 45.6 ± 6.03), (LVESd from 32 ± 5.2 to 28.8 ± 4.38), and (LVMI from 179.5 ± 25.8 to 134.8 ± 27.8), (E/Em from 11.25 ± 4.36 to 8.86 ± 3.82), (Em from 9.6 ± 2.92 to 10.25 ± 2.,45) p<0.01. The LVEF increased significantly from 56.8 ± 5.8 to 68.5 ± 5.7, p<0.05. The index of IVSd, LVPWd, LVM, LVMI have correlated with the level of anemia, hypertension, pre-transplantation hemodialysis time (p<0.05). Conclusion: After kidney transplantation for 6 months, some features of left ventricular morphology and function changed better than that of before.

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