Care and rehabilitation needs and the factors related to activities of daily living independence level of patients with cerebral stroke upon discharge from the hospital at Cho Ray Hospital in 2020

  • Võ Hoàng Nghĩa Bệnh viện Chợ Rẫy
  • Cao Minh Châu Trường Đại học Phenikaa, Hà Nội
  • Lã Ngọc Quang Trường Đại học ĐH Y tế công cộng

Main Article Content


Stroke, rehabilitation, independent level, activity of daily living (ADL), discharge from hospital


Objective: To determine care and rehabilitation needs of patients with cerebral stroke upon discharge. To evaluate the activities of daily living independence level of patients with brain stroke upon discharge. To determinine some factors related to the activities of daily living independence level of brain stroke patients upon discharge from hospital at Cho Ray Hospital. Subject and method: The Coss-sectional method was used in this study. The subjectives of study were 215 of stable stroke patients discharged from Cho Ray Hospital with choosen and excluded criteries. A questionnaire and barthel scale are used as a tool of this study. Result and conclusion: It found that 91.2% of stroke patients discharged from Cho Ray hospital in 2020 need a nursing care in generally. 91.2% of the patients need taking care in skeletal system, 21.9% of patients need in digestive tract taking care, 58.2% patients need in correct posture, 55.6% of patients need in pulmological taking care, 46.7% of patients need a prevention of pressured sore, 42.2% of patients need taking care in urinary tract. Espcially 87.5% of patients need rehabilitation intervention at their family & their communities. The impact factors to their independent level were age (p<0.05), sex (p<0.05), rehabilitation situation (p<0.05), paralyse side (p<0.001), paralyse level (p<0.001), rehabilitation, contracture of the joints (p<0.05), spasticity of the joints (p<0.05).

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