Educating safe-handling of hazardous drugs of nurses in 108 Military Central Hospital

  • Nguyen Duc Trung 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Le Thu Thuy Hanoi University of Pharmacy

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Nurse, safe-handling, hazardous drugs, 108 Military Central Hospital



Objective: To evaluate the sources of knowledge and the need of education of oncology nurses at 108 Military Central Hospital. Subject and method: A cross-sectional survey using a self-administered questionnaire was performed in five clinical departments of 108 Military Central Hospital. A total of 75 nurses participated in the survey. Result: The mean age of the nurses was 36.4 years. The majority of nurses were not trained in safe-handling of hazardous drugs. 82.4% and 70.7% nurses gained knowledge from sharing of colleagues and personal experience, respectively. 97.3% nurses need training in safe-handling of hazardous drugs. Conclusion: Nurses lacked of training and wished to be trained in safe-handling of hazardous drugs to protect them in the work area.

Keywords: Nurse, safe-handling, hazardous drugs, 108 Military Central Hospital.

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