Survey about the inpatients’ satisfaction on social work activities at the 108 Military Central Hospital

  • Khoa Bui Tuan 108 Millitary Central Hospital
  • Linh Nguyen Thi Thuy 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Phuong Nguyen Bich 108 Millitary Central Hospital
  • Que Le Thi 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Huyen Trinh Thi 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Hue Nguyen Thi 108 Millitary Central Hospital

Main Article Content


Satisfaction surve, patients, social work, 108 Military Central Hospital


Objective: To survey about the inpatients’ satisfaction on social work activities at the 108 Military Central Hospital. Subject and method: The Questionnaires survey and the in-depth interview had been conducted for inpatients. Result and conclusion: Among 364 participants including patients and patients' relatives, about 52.7% of inpatients said that they were completely satisfied with the support and consultant for solving problem activities related to social work service for patients and patients’ relatives. About 48.7% of participants told that they were very pleased with the traditional and public relation activities; 47.5% of inpatients said that glad about event organization activities and sponsorship advocacy campaigns; 48.2% of surveyed people said they are happy with the health worker’s support activities; 43.3% of respondents were satisfied with the training activities; 48.6% of inpatients were very satisfied with the mobilized house organizations for outpatient and patient’s relatives who had demand; 44% of inpatients said that they were happy with additional service packages which are outside the medical examination and treatment services for patient and patient’s relatives; 46.7% of respondents told that they were glad about the implementation of using management card for patients and patients’ relatives or visitors when they are visiting the patients in the hospital. 

Article Details


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