Study on alteration of F wave, H reflex and sural nerve conduction in patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome

  • Thuan Nguyen Duc 103 Millitary Medical Hospital
  • Chung Dang Thanh Vietnam Military Medical Academy

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Guillain-Barré syndrome, F wave, H reflex, sural nerve


Objective: To evaluate the variation of F wave, H reflex and sural nerve in patients with acute Guillain-Barré syndrome. Subject and method: 44 patients diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome according to Asbury and Cornblath standards in 1990. The time from onset to examination was ≤ 15 days and patients agreed to be conducted diagnostic tests of nerve conduction. Study was designed as descriptive, cross-sectional one. Patient information was collected according to a consistent medical record. F waves are measured at median, ulnal and tibial nerves; the latency as well as the occurrence or loss of F waves were used for the evaluation. The H-reflex was measured at the tibial nerve which measured by the latency and occurrence or loss H reflex. The sural nerve condution was measured at the position around the outer ankle whose latency, amplitude and conduction are assessed. The above study indicators were abnormal when at least one parameter showed abnormalities. Result: The average age of the study subjects was 50.27 ± 15.81 years, the male/female ratio was 1.74/1. Destruction of myelin, axon and Miller-Fisher syndrome form accounted for 65.9%, 22.7% and 11.4%, respectively. The time for conducting these tests was 5.93 ± 5.06 days after disease onset. Abnormal F waves and H reflex were found in 59.1% and 95.4%, respectively. The difference of F wave and H reflex abnormality according to disease subtype was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Abnormal duration, amplitude and conduction velocity of the sural nerve were recorded at 36.3%, 38.6% and 43.1%, respectively. Conclusion: A study of 44 patients with acute Guillain-Barré syndrome showed that at the time of the survey from the onset of disease was 5.93 ± 5.06 days, 59.1% of patients had abnormal F waves and 95.4% of patients had H reflex abnormalities. There was no significant difference of F wave and H reflex abnormalities according to disease subtype. The normal parameters of sural nerve were found in more than half of patients (56.9%).

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