Effectiveness of camera systems in hand hygiene compliance monitoring in 108 Military Central Hospital

  • Hung Le Thanh 108 Millitary Central Hospital
  • Cuong Dang Bien 108 Millitary Central Hospital
  • Tien Nguyen Dao 108 Millitary Central Hospital

Main Article Content


Monitoring camera, hand hygiene, feedback


Objective: To determine the rate of hand hygiene compliance of medical staff working in the Intensive care unit through the camera system. Subject and method: A cross-sectional descriptive study was performed on all convenient samples of medical staff working in the intensive care unit from June to December, 2017. Result: The percentage of hand hygiene compliance was measured by observation through the camera system at an unposted period, it increased from 41.0% to 70.1% after feedback. The rate of hand hygiene when using glove collected with camera feedback was 86.6%, higher than that without feedback of 55.6% (p<0.01). Most medical staff focused only on hand hygiene techniques from step 1 to step 3. From step 4 to step 6, the rate of technical implementation was low in both camera observation methods (p<0.05). Conclusion: Camera observation is an effective way to support efforts to improve hand hygiene compliance in patient care.


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