Transcranial magnetic stimulation technique procedure in treating depression

  • Phuong To Thanh Bệnh viện Tâm thần Trung ương 1

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Transcranial magnetic stimulation process, treatment of depression


Objective: To evaluate effectiveness and set up the process of the transcranial magnetic stimulation in depression treatment. Subject and method: A prospective study analysed the effectiveness of depression treatment by transcranial magnetic stimulation in 90 patients at Psychiatric Central Hospital 1 from March 2017 to March 2019. Result: Effectiveness in treatment of emotional disorders: Frequency of 5Hz and 4500 pulses were only effective for mild depression. 10Hz and 5400 pulses were effective for moderate depression. Emotional disorders in severe depression were effectively treated with frequency of 15Hz, 20Hz, 25Hz. Effectiveness in treatment of thinking disorders: Frequency of 15Hz was effective for suicidal intention. Frequency of 20Hz was effective for paranoia. Frequency of 25Hz was effective for paranoia and hallucinations. Effectiveness in treatment of behavioral disorders: Frequency of 10Hz, 5400x was effective for reduced mobility, restlessness, or complaining manifestation. Frequency of 15Hz - 8100x, 20Hz - 2400x and 25Hz - 1500x were effective for boredom, suicidal intention and behavior. Conclusion: frequency of 5Hz is effective in treatment of mild depression. Frequency of 10Hz is for moderate depression treatment. Frequency of 15Hz is effective in treatment of severe depression without psychosis. Frequency of 20Hz and 25Hz are for treatment of severe depression with psychosis.

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