The effectiveness of impulse oscillation system in the diagnosis of asthma in children

  • Ha Nguyen Thi Thai Vietnam National Children's Hospital
  • Hien Pham Thu Vietnam National Children's Hospital
  • Huong Le Thi Minh Vietnam National Children's Hospital

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Asthma, children, impulse oscillation system


Objective: To estimate the role of IOS (Impulse oscillation system) in measuring airway resistance in children with asthma. Subject and method: A descriptive study followed 156 children with asthma diagnosed by GINA (Global Initiative for Asthma) 2016. Result: R5 (Total respiratory resistance), AX (area of reactance) in children with asthma were significantly higher than normal children (p<0.05). X5 (area reactance at 5Hz) in children with asthma was significantly smaller than those in normal children (p<0.05). 114 subjects had positive reversibility test (73.1%). Airway resistance (R5, Fres, AX) after using salbutamol in both males and females were significantly lower than before using salbutamol (p<0.001), Distal Reactance at 5Hz (X5) after reversibility test in males increased significantly (p<0.05). Conclusion: Impulse oscillation system was effective in diagnosing asthma in children. Airway resistance in children with asthma was significantly higher than those of normal children, airway resistance inversely related to age and height while distal reactance directly related to age and height.


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