Medication-free treatment of depression by transcranial magnetic stimulation technique

  • Phuong To Thanh Bệnh viện Tâm thần Trung ương 1

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Transcranial magnetic stimulation, depression, medication-free


Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of transcranial magnetic stimulation in medication-free treatment of depressive disorders. Subject and method: A prospective study analysed effectiveness of non-pharmacological treatment using transcranial magnetic stimulation for depression on intervention group of 90 patients (group N1) and control group of 90 patients treated with Amitriptyline (group N2) at Psychiatric Central Hospital 1 from March 2017 to March 2019. Result: Remaining emotional disorders in group N1 were: sadness 31.1%, worry because of severe illness 5.56%, melancholy because of refractory disease 5.56%, pessimistic 16.7%, suffering 2.2%; all these rates were lower than that of the group N2. Remaining thinking disorder symptoms in group N1 including: speak less 26.7%, say nothing 1.1%, intention to commit suicide 0%, paranoia 3.3%, illusions 8.9%, phantosmia 0%, the rates of all symptoms were also lower than that of group N2. Remaining behavioral disorders in group N1: Most of symptoms were decreased, including refusing to eat 0%, motionless 0%, panic 0%, suicide behavior 0%, reduced activity 24.4%, the rates of all disorders were lower than that of group N2. The remaining body symptoms after treatment in group N1 including: lack of sleep 7.8%, headache 2.2%, fatigue 7.8%, loss of appetite 5.6%, all rates were lower than that of group N2. Conclusion: Transcranial magnetic stimulation is highly effective in treatment of depression disorders.

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