Efficiency of total parenteral nutrition on nutritional status in preterm infants with necrotizing enterocolitis

  • Lưu Thị Mỹ Thục Bệnh viện Nhi Trung ương
  • Trần Thị Thùy Linh Bệnh viện Đa khoa tỉnh Phú Thọ

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Nutritional status, necrotizing enterocolitis, premature


Objective: Efficiency of total parenteral nutrition on nutritional status in premature with necrotizing enterocolitis and side effect during treatment. Subject and method: Clinical trials of uncontrolled, evaluate the effectiveness of "before - after" among 50 premature with necrotizing enterocolitis, admitted to NICU in National Hospital of Pediatrics between August 2015, and August, 2016. Result: 60% of children had gain weight (26% gain weight as expected), average weight gain 219.60g/ time and the average time of total parenteral nutrition was 8.32 days, rate of malnutrition decreased after total parenteral nutrition. Conclusion: Total pareteral nutrion is very important for not ony premature but also for necrotizing enterocolitis. However, it should be balanced in macronutrients and micronutrients.

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