Patient safety awareness of medical staffs at 108 Military Central Hospital in 2020

  • Nguyen Bich Phuong 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Bui Tuan Khoa 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Nguyen Thi Thuy Linh 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Ta Viet Khoi 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Trinh Thi Huyen 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Le Thi Que 108 Military Central Hospital

Main Article Content


Patient safety, 108 Military Central Hospital



Objective: To survey on the patient safety awareness of medical staffs at 108 Military Central Hospital. Subject and method: A cross-sectional description based on the questionnaire survey chart of patient safety of the American Health Research and Quality Agency. The survey was conducted with 661 medical staffs at 108 Military Central Hospital in 2020. Result: 43.4% of staffs considers that the patient safety was good/very good, 54% acceptable and only 2.6% in medium level. The average score was 3.47 (based on the Liker scale). Among the components of patient safety, the teamwork was the most positive (94.3%) with an average score was 4.2, the human resources was the lowest positive (60.1%) average score was 3.6. Conclusion: Patient safety awareness of medical staffs at 108 Military Central Hospital in 2020 was rather good. More attention should be paid on human resources to ensure the patient safety quality.

Keywords: Patient safety, 108 Military Central Hospital.

Article Details


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