Survey of peripheral blood lymphocyte subtype in kidney transplant recipients

  • Do Thi Mai Dung Viet Duc Hospital
  • Ha Phan Hai An Viet Duc Hospital
  • Le Van Dong Vietnam Military Medical University

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Lymphocyte T, kidney transplant



Objective: Our goal was to determine whether micophenolic acid (MPA) modulates peripheral blood lymphocyte T inkidney patients. Subject and method: We assessed CD3, CD4, CD8 peripheral blood lymphocytes in 30 donors; 35 kidney patients on 1 day befor and 10 days after transplantation. By fluorescent light to identify and count the lymphocytes and CD4 T lymphocytes. Result: Comparisons showed in CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ peripheral blood lymphocytes in befor kidney transplant recipients were lower than donor group (TCD3 was 1690.31 ± 503.45 vs 2280.73 ± 522.48; TCD4 was 549.51 ± 211.72 vs 766.37 ± 341.72 and CD8 was 1134.37 ± 431.07 vs 1523.4 ± 349.23 and p=0.000, 0.001, 0.0002), posttransplantation there were 10/35 patients reduction; 22/35 patients increation p=0.036. Conclusion. The need to reduce situations of risk to recipients by lymphocytes T monitoring more time points.

              Keywords: Lymphocyte T, kidney transplant.

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