Assessment of statement of quality of military medical personnels of Military Hospitals in 2018-2019

  • Bùi Tuấn Khoa
  • Lê Thu Hà
  • Dương Quốc Bảo
  • Nguyễn Đức Sơn
  • Nguyễn Thị Thuỳ Linh
  • Trịnh Thị Huyền
  • Lê Thị Quế
  • Nguyễn Trà Mi

Main Article Content


Military medical officers, military medical personnels, quality, 2018-2019



 Objective: To assess the statement of the quality of military medical personnels (MMPs) in the current period. Subject and method: The study was conducted on 749 military medical personnels (MMPs) of 12 hospitals in the military medical service nationwide; Use cross-sectional descriptive research design. Result and conclusion: MMPs' self-assessment of military quality and medical staff quality of MMPs were at "Good" level; MMPs’ awareness also contained incomplete points about factors that have been affecting quality, such as market economy and peaceful evolution strategy of hostile forces. Tended to be avoid to study politics. The factor "Life is difficult" was rated as the highest influence factor while the factors "Strategy" peaceful evolution of imperialism and hostile forces "and the factor", the opposite of the market mechanism "had the lowest rating - at an "unknown" impact on quality of MMPs.

Keywords: Military medical officers, military medical personnels, quality, 2018-2019.

Article Details


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