Research on clinical features, endoscopic images, histopathology of cardia-esophageal polyps

  • Phạm Minh Ngọc Quang
  • Dương Minh Thắng

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Objective: To understand the clinical symptoms, endoscopic images, histopathology of cardia-esophageal polyps. Subject and method: Investigating clinical features, endoscopic images, histopathology of cardia-esophageal polyps in patients with cardia-esophageal polyps detected by endoscopy at Department of Endoscopy Diagnosis and Department of Gastroenterology of 108 Military Central Hospital from January 2017 to January 2019. Result: Male 51%, female 49%; mean age 43 ± 29 years. Burning behind sternum 54.1%, heartburn 35.1%. Patients had 1 polyp 86.5%, polyps size from 5 - 10mm 51.4%, sessile polyps 94.6%, inflammation 81.1%. Histopathology: Inflammation of 59.5%, mild dysplasia 32.4%, severe dysplasia 5.4% and cancer 2.7%. Conclusion: Patients with typical symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux, polyps are diverse, histopathology is mostly inflamed.

Keywords: Cardia-esophageal polyps, gastroesophageal reflux.

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