Experimental model of limb defect reconstruction using microsurgery

  • Nguyen Ngoc Huyen 108 Military Central Hospital

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Microsurgery, experimental model, limb defect reconstruction


Objective: To evaluate the feasibility of microsurgery in experimental modell for defect reconstruction. Subject and method: Vascularized composite tissue blocks were freely transfered using microsurgery. Study subject: The study was conducted on rabbits with an average weight of 2.0kg and an age of 1 year. Study design: This is a cross-sectional, prospective, clinical intervention study conducted at the 108 Military Central Hospital, involving 16 pairs of healthy animals cared for according to the guidelines of the International Committee for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Evaluation of reconstructive results was based on clinical and pre-clinical findings. Result: All vascularized reconstructive composite tissues were well-survived postoperatively. All microsurgical anastomoses were not clogged. There was no sign of infection and tissue necrosis. Histology showed typical images resemble normal living structures. Conclusion: Application of microsurgery on experimental models is useful and feasible.

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