A successful case of coordination of brain dead donor with the highest number of organ and tissue transplantation in Vietnam: A case report and review of the literature

  • Lê Trung Hiếu Bệnh viện TWQĐ 108
  • Nguyễn Thị Xuân Linh Bệnh viện TWQĐ 108
  • Quách Thị Hà Bệnh viện TWQĐ 108
  • Nguyễn Thị Thuý An Bộ Y tế
  • Lê Ánh Vân Bệnh viện TWQĐ 108

Main Article Content


Brain-dead organ donor, organ donation coordination, organ transplantation coordination


Introduction: The demand for organ transplantation is immense, and multi-organ donation from brain-dead or cardiac death donors is a global trend, particularly in Europe and America. National Organ Procurement Organizations play a crucial role in managing and maximizing the utilization of donated organs. A case report: This report presents a successful case of multi-organ donation and transplantation at the 108 Military Central Hospital, involving the procurement and transplantation of seven organs: One liver, two kidneys, one pancreas, one heart, two upper limbs, and two corneas. Additionally, the lungs were coordinated for transplantation at the National Lung Hospital by the National Organ Procurement Organization in January 2024. The multi-organ donor was a 26-year-old male, treated at the Department of Surgical Intensive Care and Organ Transplantation at the 108 Military Central Hospital. After discussions and counseling, the family expressed their wish to donate the organs to save others. The National Organ Procurement Organization successfully coordinated the multi-organ retrieval at the 108 Military Central Hospital and the subsequent lung transplantation at the National Lung Hospital. The transport, organization, retrieval, and distribution of donated organs, as well as the transplantation procedures, were conducted smoothly and successfully at both the 108 Military Central Hospital and the National Lung Hospital. To date, all organ recipients have shown good progress. Conclusion: The successful case of multi-organ donation and transplantation from a brain-dead donor, with a record number of transplanted organs coordinated by the National Organ Procurement Organization, demonstrates the effectiveness of organ donation and transplantation coordination in Vietnam, as well as the capability to master transplantation techniques.

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