Histopathological characteristics of colorectal cancer at 108 Military Central Hospital from 2017 to 2020

  • Tran Thi Nhu Quynh Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Colorectal cancer, histopathology


Objective: Comment on the histopathological characteristics of colorectal cancer at 108 Military Central Hospital. Subject and method: cross-sectional, prospective descriptive study on 176 cancer patients colorectal examination and treatment at 108 Military Central Hospital from 2017 to 2020. Result: Colorectal cancer in men was 66.4%, the male/female incidence ratio was 1.97/1; The most common age group was > 60, the average age of disease was 63.5 ± 11.5. Histopathological characteristics of colorectal cancer: 91.8% adenocarcinoma and 8.2% mucinous carcinoma; Poor, moderate, and high differentiation levels were 3.6%, 92.7%, 3.6%, respectively. The degree of invasion of the colon wall T2, T3, T4 were 17.3%, 29.1% and 53.6%, respectively. N0, N1, N2 lymph node metastasis were 53.6%, 29.1% and 17.3%, respectively. 3.6% had vascular invasion, 5.5% had nerve invasion. Colorectal cancer distant metastases occurred in 11.8%. Colorectal cancer stages I, II, III, IV were 11.8%, 39.1%, 37.3%, 11.8%, respectively. Conclusion: Colorectal cancer is mainly adenocarcinoma (91.8%); moderately differentiated (92.7%); invasion to T4 level (53.6%); lymph node metastasis was 46.4% (N1 was 29.1% and N2 was 17.3%); 3.6% had vascular invasion, 5.5% had nerve invasion.

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