Evaluation of recurrence and survival rate of transoral laser microsurgery for laryngeal cancer at National Otolaryngology Hospital

  • Nguyen Quang Trung Hanoi Medical University

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Early-stage laryngeal cancer, transoral laser microsurgery, CO2 laser


Objective: To evaluate local recurrence, cervical lymph node metastasis, distant metastasis and survival rate of laryngeal cancer patients after transoral laser microsurgery (TLM). Subject and method: Retrospective cohort study of 345 patients with laryngeal cancer treated by TLM at Oncology-Head and Neck surgery Center, National Otolaryngology Hospital from January 2012 to December 2021. Result: Recurrent rate was 12.2%, average recurrent time was 26.1 months; Disease-free survival time ranged from 97.6-112.3 months, disease-free survival rate after 3 years was 86.5%, after 5 years was 85%, overall survival time ranged from 105.4-114.9 months, overall survival rate after 3 years was 97%, after 5 years was 82%. Conclusion: TLM was highly effective in treating early-stage laryngeal cancer with excellent survival rate, few complications and low recurrent rate.

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