Features of kidney impairment based on KDIGO classification in patients with type 2 diabetes under treatment at 103 Military Hospital

  • Dang Thi Hue 108 Military Central Hospital

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KDIGO classification, chronic kidney disease, type 2 diabetes


Objective: Survey kidney impairment rate and features based on the 2012 KDIGO classification in type 2 diabetes patients treated as outpatients at the Examination Department of 103 Military Hospital from October 2019 to March 2020. Subject and method: Prospective, cross-sectional study design evaluation of 192 type 2 diabetes diagnosis candidates based on 2016 American Diabetes Association criteria. Result: The average glomerular filtration rate was 78.86 ± 18.27ml/min/1.73m2. The average albumin-creatinine ratio was 9.74 ± 21.97 (mg/mmol), with a 39.6% abnormal rate. The MAU was 32.3% and the MAC was 7.3%. The proportion of patients at risk of developing end-stage chronic kidney disease was 45.3%, which was divided into three categories: Low risk (29.5%), medium risk (9.3%), and high risk (6.2%). Conclusion: Early assessment of the risk of developing end-stage chronic kidney disease, according to KDIGO 2012, is essential in adjusting treatment strategies in patients with type 2 diabetes to prevent complications of diabetic kidney disease.

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