Analysis of adverse events in chemotherapy for colorectal cancer patients using active surveillance at 108 Military Central Hospital

  • Pham Van Huy 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Nguyen Thi Thuy Linh 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Nguyen Duc Trung 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Nguyen Hai Truong 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Pham Vinh Truong 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Luong Thi Kieu Oanh 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Le Thi My 108 Military Central Hospital
  • Nguyen Thi Lien Huong HaNoi University of Pharmacy
  • Nguyen Tu Son HaNoi University of Pharmacy

Main Article Content


ADR, colorectal cancer, active surveillance


Objective: To analyze adverse events in chemotherapy for colorectal cancer patients at 108 Military Central Hospital using active surveillance. Subject and method: A cross-sectional study on 195 colorectal cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. An active surveillance method for adverse drug reactions and the Ministry of Health's guidelines for ADR prevention methods were applied to the study. Result: Of the 195 patients participating in the study, 61% were male. The median age was 61 years, and 87.2% of cancer patients were in stage IV. Regarding digestive adverse events, the rate of diarrhea and mouth ulcers were 6.1% and 9.7%, respectively. After treatment, 61.5% of patients experienced nausea, and 38.5% experienced vomiting. The majority of cases of nausea and vomiting occurred at levels 1 and 2. 95.1% of patients with an average risk level received appropriate vomiting prophylaxis. In terms of hematological events, 38.5% had leukopenia at all levels. Levels 3 and 4 constituted 13.3% of the total. 22.1% of patients recorded thrombocytopenia, predominantly at level 1. 41.1% of patients had anemia, which was also mainly at level 1. Conclusion: Active surveillance of digestive and hematological events in patients has shown more clearly the frequency and severity of events occurring in colorectal cancer patients at 108 Military Central Hospital. Some events need to be further evaluated for risk factors to have appropriate preventive measures.

Article Details


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