Evaluation of acute and sub-chronic toxicity of CB-02 formulation in experimental animals

  • Hoàng Lan Hiệp Viện Y học cổ truyền Quân đội
  • Nguyễn Đình Nhân Viện Y học cổ truyền Quân đội
  • Nguyễn Nhật Minh Viện Y học cổ truyền Quân đội
  • Nguyễn Hoàng Ngân Học viện Quân y

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CB-02 formulation, acute toxicity, sub-chronic toxicity


Objective: To evaluate the acute and sub-chronic toxicity of the CB-02 formulation in experimental animals. Subject and method: The acute toxicity of CB-02 formulation was evaluated on Swiss mice by the Litchfield-Wilcoxon’s method and the sub-chronic toxicity was evaluated on Wistar white rats according to Vietnam Health Ministry’s regulations and WHO guidelines on the effectiveness and safety of the medicine. Result: The LD50 of the CB-02 formulation was not identified at the highest dose that mice could drink for 24 hours (17.5g/kg BW). The CB-02 formulation at 336mg/kg per day and 1680mg/kg per day for 90 consecutive days did not affect the body weight and the hematology indicators like red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit white blood cells and platelets; the liver cell destruction assessment indicators (GOT, GPT), kidney functions (creatinin) and cholesterol total; the changes were not statistical significance (p>0.05) between the research group and control group. The pathological images of rats’ livers and kidneys were within the normal limits. Conclusion: The CB-02 formulation did not have acute toxicity, did not change the functions of hematopoiesis, and did not destroy the liver cells, the kidney functions, the form of kidney, liver and spleen on experimental white rats.

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