Outcome of cholangioscopy-guided lithotripsy through T-tube tunnel by electrohydraulic for introhepatic stones at 108 Military Central Hospital

  • Nguyễn Minh Phú Bệnh viện Quân y 91/Quân khu I
  • Vũ Văn Quang Bệnh viện TWQĐ 108

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Intrahepatic stones, flexible cholangioscopy, electrohydraulics, Kehr tunnel


Objective: To evaluate the results of treatment of residual bile duct stones in the liver using a soft endoscope through the Kehr tunnel for electrohydraulic lithotripsy. Subject and method: 76 patients were diagnosed with residual intrahepatic bile duct stones by ultrasound or magnetic resonance, and still had Kehr drainage. Endoscopically using a flexible endoscope for electrohydraulic lithotripsy through the Kehr tunnel at 108 Military Central Hospital from January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2024. Method: A cross-sectional, retrospective, prospective, non-controlled study. Result: 100% of patients had stones left in the liver and had a history of bile duct stone surgery. Female/male ratio=1.81. The rate of stones in the liver on both sides was the highest: 44.74%. Access to stones reached 97.5%. The stone-free rate was 88.16%, while the stone-free rate was 11.84%. Biliary stenosis accounted for 19.74%, mainly intrahepatic biliary stenosis. The average number of flirting times was 1.05 ± 0.22, at least 1 time, at most 2 times. The time for 1 lithotripsy through the Kehr tunnel was 61.02 ± 32.46 minutes, the shortest was 15 minutes, the longest was 160 minutes. Complications (1.32%) (Kehr tunnel rupture) were treated medically after 3 days of stable discharge from the hospital. Days of treatment after surgery: Average 1.77 ± 0.82 days, shortest was 01 day, longest was 04 days. Conclusion: Endoscopic soft tube through Kehr electrohydraulic lithotripsy is a safe and highly effective method in treating residual bile duct stones in the liver

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